Adjusting Your skincare Routine through the seasons


Reading time

4 minutes

word count

775 words

last updated

October 11, 2023

The short + sweet

  • Adapt skincare to seasons: summer and winter challenges.
  • Summer: Focus on use of UV protection, light hydration, and soothing ingredients, e.g., serums.  
  • Winter: Focus on Deep hydration, gentle exfoliation, lip and eye care (e.g., moiturizers). 

The detail

Much like our wardrobe, our skincare routine should evolve with the seasons. Core practices like cleansing and hydration remain constant, but small adjustments can ensure our skin remains healthy as temperatures shift. This article delves into the art of seasonal skincare adjustments and provides actionable insights to keep your skin radiant through summer and winter

Seasonal Skincare: Navigating Summer and Winter

As the seasons change, so do the needs of our skin. Here's how to seamlessly transition your skincare routine:

Cleansing and Hydration: Year-Round Essentials 
Before delving into seasonal adaptations, remember the foundation: consistent cleansing and proper hydration. These two practices are timeless pillars of skincare.

Gentle Cleansing: Use a gentle cleanser to rid your skin of impurities, regardless of the season1.

Hydration is Key: Moisturize daily to prevent dryness and maintain your skin's natural barrier2.

The Revive


The Revive is a lightweight, fast-absorbing serum that restores the skin with nutrients and hydration to keep your skin performing at its best in any environment.

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Summer Skincare: Shielding from the Heat

Summer brings increased sun exposure and humidity, requiring a modified skincare approach.

Lightweight Hydration:
Swap out heavy moisturizers for lighter options to prevent a greasy feel3.

Amp Up Sun Protection: Opt for higher SPF sunscreens and reapply frequently when outdoors4.

Anti-Oxidant Boost: Use products with antioxidants like Vitamin C to combat sun-induced free radical damage5.


Winter Skincare: Nourishing in the Cold

Winter's chill and indoor heating can parch your skin, necessitating a focus on deep hydration and protection.

Rich Moisturization: Opt for richer moisturizers that lock in hydration and combat dryness6.

Lip and Eye Care: Keep lips and delicate eye areas moisturized to prevent chapping and flaking7.

Regular Exfoliation: Gently exfoliate to slough off dry skin and enhance the absorption of moisturizers8

The Revive
The Revive
The Revive
The Revive
The Revive
The Revive

The Revive


The Revive is a lightweight, fast-absorbing serum that restores the skin with nutrients and hydration to keep your skin performing at its best in any environment.


Skincare isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor, especially when seasons shift. By maintaining core practices and making slight adjustments to cater to summer and winter demands, you can keep your skin radiant and resilient throughout the year. The art of skincare lies in knowing how to adapt while staying true to the essentials.

further reading

    • "Proper Face Washing 101", American Academy of Dermatology Association. (
    • "Moisturizers: Do They Work?", Harvard Health Publishing. (
    • "How to Put On Moisturizer", Mayo Clinic. (
    • "Sunscreen: How to Help Protect Your Skin from the Sun", U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (
    • "The Role of Antioxidants in Photoprotection: A Critical Review", Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (
    • "Winter Skin Care: Tips for Healthy Skin", American Academy of Dermatology Association. (
    • "Taking Care of Your Skin in Winter", American Academy of Dermatology Association. (